Friday 22 May 2015

How to grow potatoes in a barrel

How to grow potatoes in a bag What You Need to Grow Potatoes Indoors It’s possible to grow potatoes in a several containers indoors. Look for wide, round or square containers with deep bottoms and a depth of at least 12 inches. The more room potato roots have to spread in the pots, the larger the potato led grow lights for commercial greenhouse crop will be. If you want your potato garden to look similar to an outdoor potato patch, place several containers together in a sunny spot. It may be a good idea to purchase a garden trowel to dig up potatoes ready for harvesting. In addition, soil will need to be

added once roots beneath the foliage become visible. Some local garden centers sell soil pre-packaged specifically for indoor potatoes gardens. Ideally, two or three decorative garden boxes with a depth of at last 12 are sufficient for a full crop of potatoes. Garden boxes are sold where ever decorative lawn items are sold. The materials from which containers and garden boxes are made are also important. Since potatoes tend to drink in moisture, choose containers made from clay or plastic. If you plan to grow several types of potatoes, it’s a good idea to purchase garden tags. Write the name

of the potato on each tag and attach it to the container. There are fun ways to experiment with growing potatoes. One very successful to get potatoes to germinate is to place white sprouts from mature potatoes in a large sealable plastic bag. Cover with potting soil to about 1 over the sprouts. Seal the bag for about one day or until the first signs of sprouting begins. Set the bag on a windowsill in a sunny spot. Then, unseal the bag and gradually add more soil, as sprouts become larger until the plastic bag has been filled. This is

a fun way to watch potatoes grow indoors. The first crop of these potatoes can be harvested as “new” potatoes or they can be allowed to mature to larger sizes. These potatoes will be as sweet as freshly picked young corn. Using the bag method is also an opportunity to cross breed potatoes. To do this, select white sprouts from two or more types of potatoes. Place them side by side inside the plastic bag. Eventually, the heat of the sun and moisture retention of the bag will meld two types of potato sprouts together. This may produce potatoes with

a uniquely colored flesh, depending on the choice of sprouts. The result led grow lights vs hps reviews will be your own signature hybrid potato. It may be worthwhile to keep notes on cross breeding potatoes for future reference.

How to grow potatoes in a barrel

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