Saturday 21 March 2015

sometimes we often see a healthy

sometimes we often see a healthy sometimes we often see a healthy person in good shape but suddenly vomiting blood what happened to the guy vomiting blood symptoms average almost the Read This Sometimes we often see a healthy Sometimes we often see a healthy person in good shape but suddenly vomiting blood What happened to the guy vomiting blood Symptoms average almost the same but different causes Apparently after a meticulous person is suffering from severe liver damage with vomiting of blood that occurs in the case himself The above is a complication due to damage to the liver The liver was not functioning largely normal liver tissue has changed the nature no longer a normal liver tissue connective tissue rather be called cirrhosis Causes of cirrhosis should be known through laboratory tests necessary to check to see what kind of pathological anatomy such as the liver tissue What exactly Doctors need to take special pieces of tissue with a needle for examination.

Cirrhosis is the last condition that causes damage to the liver by diverse Start of congenital heart defects heart disease infection to drug toxicity of aflatoxin poisoning materials nut rotten tubers heavy drinkers of alcoholic history of people who develop cirrhosis will reveal what the cause For example drink herbal home first affected by aflatoxin liver damage due to raw material rotten peanut herbal medicine we’ve rejected Japan because moldy How to store the tubers nut material grains are not really going to grow a special fungus that produces aflatoxin Therefore if you eat beans tasted rotten do not continue to swallow.

Jamu of material contaminated with mold generally changed tastes Years aflatoxin contaminated body will damage the liver Apparently a proven fact that people had been admitted diligent vomiting blood drink herbal home since his youth he tends to choose the Korean and Chinese herbal medicine It could be the cause why his heart was broken and now she was diagnosed with cirrhosis Some other patients often consume alcohol once suspected to cause it to undergo liver cirrhosis most powerful organs adapt to the damage suffered Therefore before most of organ damage complaints have not felt and gejalanyapun not clear majority of patients do not feel the complaint means in relation to organs as if suddenly broken heart There is a feeling of nausea as heartburn sometimes there discomfort in the right upper abdomen such as the feeling of a lump.

Even more surprisingly there is no real clue that fact since many years ago may be more than 10 years had abnormal liver Everyone sometimes blame why the liver until it breaks so fast not to vomit blood Already realized just knew that something was wrong And it’s like that conditions most people who experience mild liver damage While still new and early stage no complaints especially noticeable symptoms may be similar heartburn heartburn Complaints are usually ignored because they are lightly therefore immediately conduct laboratory tests of liver function with blood reading will be revealed already like what conditions ALT and AST liver describe the condition of elevated liver function problems.

If the doctor suspects something is wrong with the heart needs to be followed up lab tests lead liver example and ALPHA GAMMA-GT-fetoprotein When results are both positive further ensure the possibility of cirrhosis although the possibility can not be ruled out cancer Certainty can only be revealed from the results of the biopsy and see anatomical pathology liver tissue taken from symptoms of vomiting blood is one of the complications when liver damage is widespread Because liver tissue changes blood flow into the liver Yanga experience barriers to the liver blood that comes from the gut other than in the liver spleen If blood can not flow smoothly because the blood vessels already mnegalami changes with respect to liver damage unstoppable blood through the channels leading to and out of the heart.

Dam pipe causes dilation of blood veins associated with blood vessels leading from the heart as well as the exit pipe portal vein system will continue to widen until a certain point and then it was time dilation rupture One blood vessels located in the walls of blood vessels Rupture neck esophagus esophagus already tried to widen the maximum that is causing symptoms of vomiting blood due to this emergency conditions should be addressed so that blood does not continue wasted emphasis should be action in the area of ​​rupture of blood vessels tamponade in addition to providing an infusion of drugs that relax blood vessels pressure due to elevated liver blood dam in the liver portal hypertension Furthermore spleen as a supplier of blood to the liver for disposal need to be sacrificed in order to source the outpouring of blood to the heart is reduced and the pressure of the blood vessels to the heart more slack so that the risk of rupture of blood vessels else can be muted.

Is the vomiting of blood was already teratasinya finished yet During liver problems not able to drain through which the blood to be lancarkemungkinan repeated vomiting blood or rupture of blood vessels in other organs of digestion is inevitable that most of the damaged liver to be replaced because it was not possible to recover recover Required Organ transplant changed from a donor heart Depending on how much damage the liver organ replacement can be part of a living donor to ask her partially or wholly replace the dead donor heart has not changed During not only the threat of rupture of blood vessels going to the troubled heart liver function continues to decline also affects other body conditions Patients could coma besides weakened due to decreased liver function limbs and abdomen swollen by edema fluid terbendungnya for anchoring protein produced by the liver decreased fluid Dam yellow bile symptoms not unlike jaundice can also spread to the kidneys and eventually lead to coma digestion because the body is poisoned by function hearts that have been very bad.

Sometimes we often see a healthy sometimes we often see a healthy person in good shape but suddenly vomiting blood what happened to the guy vomiting blood symptoms average almost the

sometimes we often see a healthy

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